SOCDEM Asia: The Philippines, Nepal and Myanmar
We cooperate with the regional network in Asia (SOCDEM Asia), which has members from more than 12 countries in South and Southeast Asia. The partnership has a particular focus on parties in the Philippines, Nepal and Myanmar. The parties are:
- Akbayan Citizens’ Action Party from the Philippines
- Nepali Congress from Nepal
- Democratic Party for a New Society (DPNS) and Shan Nationalities League for Democracy (SNLD) from Myanmar
The partnership was initiated in 2016 with the aims at bridging between policy developments at the regional level in SOCDEM ASIA to the national level among the member parties.
With inspiration from the policy themes developed in the network and the processes behind the development of the program of principles in the Social Democratic Party, the activities especially focused on an inclusive development of progressive, social democratic policy on topics such as health and peace.
The new project continues to have a focus on an inclusive policy development, but also an overall focus on the welfare state, including welfare models, social policy and social democratic governance.
The project with SOCDEM Asia contains three overall components, which aim to strengthen the network to promote social democratic alternatives in the region, by strengthening:
- SocDem Asia as a social democratic platform through a re-imagining of the Asian welfare state.
- The partner parties in developing inclusive policy.
- SocDem Asia’s communication and ability to push its progressive and social democratic alternatives in the region.